Matthew 3
John the Baptist Prepares the Way and the Baptism of Jesus
We now jump forward several years, to John the Baptist in the desert (v 1) who preached repentance due to the coming of Christ (v 2). John was a primer to Jesus. His radical message help soften the ground for Jesus’ ministry. Again, in verse 3, Isaiah’s prophesy in Isaiah 40:3 is fulfilled in John.
This man was not a mighty or wealthy figure in Jewish society. He wore very basic clothing and ate what he could from the land. (v 4) His life was dedicated to preaching the coming Christ. Everything else was not important. God was his portion and strength.
This message appealed to the people (v. 6). They came from everywhere in Judea to hear his message. The people were yearning for the good news of Christ, and the Holy Spirit led them to this “wild man” in the desert. They would confess their sins and be baptized by John in the Jordan. (v 6)
John also caught the attention of some of the Jewish elite. These people were known for their hypocrisy and legalistic lifestyles. John warns them, in verse 7 though 9, that even though they are the children of Abraham, it is not enough to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He warns that God judgment is at hand for those who do not bear the fruits of faith in the coming Christ (v 10). He declares the power and strength of Christ, and his own humility (…whose sandals I’m not fit to carry) in verse 11. We too are not fit even to carry Christ’s most “dirty” item, but yet are saved and given the status of God’s children as well. Baptism into Christ is by the Holy Spirit and refines like fire, John says. He will clean the world of those who do not follow him, utterly destroying them “like chaff”, and gather those that he has called (v 12)
In verse 13 we move forward again to the arrival of Jesus to the banks of the Jordan and pinnacle moment in John’s ministry. Jesus comes to be baptized and officially enter into his work in the world. John is clearly shocked at such a thing; for John knows that it should be Jesus who should baptize him, not visa versa. (v 14). However, Christ knows that to “fulfill all righteousness” he must be baptized. Christ came to fulfill all parts of the Law for us, including this baptism, so that he would be found completely lacking in any sin. John comes to understand this (at least to some degree) and is lead by the Holy Spirit to consent to Jesus’ baptism. (v 15) In verse 16, we see a wondrous sight, as Jesus rises out of the Jordan River: heaven opens and the Holy Spirit “like a dove and lighting” on him. God then proclaims in a voice that Jesus is truly his Son, that he loves him and that he is pleased with him. (v 17) This verse in the bible is hard to refute for those who believe that Jesus was only a wise man, a prophet, or religious philosopher. How can anyone say that he is none other than the Son of God if God himself has declared it so? Jesus work was greater than just ideology or philosophy; it was for the salvation of a fallen race.
We now jump forward several years, to John the Baptist in the desert (v 1) who preached repentance due to the coming of Christ (v 2). John was a primer to Jesus. His radical message help soften the ground for Jesus’ ministry. Again, in verse 3, Isaiah’s prophesy in Isaiah 40:3 is fulfilled in John.
This man was not a mighty or wealthy figure in Jewish society. He wore very basic clothing and ate what he could from the land. (v 4) His life was dedicated to preaching the coming Christ. Everything else was not important. God was his portion and strength.
This message appealed to the people (v. 6). They came from everywhere in Judea to hear his message. The people were yearning for the good news of Christ, and the Holy Spirit led them to this “wild man” in the desert. They would confess their sins and be baptized by John in the Jordan. (v 6)
John also caught the attention of some of the Jewish elite. These people were known for their hypocrisy and legalistic lifestyles. John warns them, in verse 7 though 9, that even though they are the children of Abraham, it is not enough to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He warns that God judgment is at hand for those who do not bear the fruits of faith in the coming Christ (v 10). He declares the power and strength of Christ, and his own humility (…whose sandals I’m not fit to carry) in verse 11. We too are not fit even to carry Christ’s most “dirty” item, but yet are saved and given the status of God’s children as well. Baptism into Christ is by the Holy Spirit and refines like fire, John says. He will clean the world of those who do not follow him, utterly destroying them “like chaff”, and gather those that he has called (v 12)
In verse 13 we move forward again to the arrival of Jesus to the banks of the Jordan and pinnacle moment in John’s ministry. Jesus comes to be baptized and officially enter into his work in the world. John is clearly shocked at such a thing; for John knows that it should be Jesus who should baptize him, not visa versa. (v 14). However, Christ knows that to “fulfill all righteousness” he must be baptized. Christ came to fulfill all parts of the Law for us, including this baptism, so that he would be found completely lacking in any sin. John comes to understand this (at least to some degree) and is lead by the Holy Spirit to consent to Jesus’ baptism. (v 15) In verse 16, we see a wondrous sight, as Jesus rises out of the Jordan River: heaven opens and the Holy Spirit “like a dove and lighting” on him. God then proclaims in a voice that Jesus is truly his Son, that he loves him and that he is pleased with him. (v 17) This verse in the bible is hard to refute for those who believe that Jesus was only a wise man, a prophet, or religious philosopher. How can anyone say that he is none other than the Son of God if God himself has declared it so? Jesus work was greater than just ideology or philosophy; it was for the salvation of a fallen race.
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