Matthew 5:13-16 (The Sermon on the Mount, Part II)
Salt and Light
Christ continues from the previous verse with what our role is in the world. We, as Christians are the salt of the earth. (v13) This notion always confused me as a kid. We make the world salty... how is that good. In our day and age, salt is a kind of evil, leading to health problems. Back then, it made what little flavor food had come alive. It took the bland and made it enjoyable. This is what Christians should do. In a drab, selfish world, we should be the joy, the spice, that extra zip in our communities. We need to a little "kick" to the world around us, because of what Christ has done in our lives and promises to everyone. He also warns in verse 13 that if the salt becomes unsalty, what use is it? What use is a Christian who doesn't live in the joy of salvation. Why become what the world is (drab and bland) when we have Christ!
Verse 14 gives us another analogy, we are light to the world and a city on a hill. The light and the city casts its light far and wide, for everyone to see. In verse 15 we are given a further analogy. No one hides the lamp they light, but put it as high as possible for light to be spread everywhere. When we have Christ, it should not be a secret, something we keep to ourselves. Having Christ but not sharing it, defeats the purpose. Why keep joy and peace from others... share the good news, that Jesus has saved sinners by his death on the cross. When you live in Christ, others will notice, and God will be glorified by it. Here was someone who is a sinner, but has joy and hope becuase of what God has done. Our good deeds are not to glorify ourselves, give us brownie points, or ease our guilty conscious. (v16) Doing good is only to glorify God and worship him in hopes that others will be called by the Holy Spirit to faith.
Christ continues from the previous verse with what our role is in the world. We, as Christians are the salt of the earth. (v13) This notion always confused me as a kid. We make the world salty... how is that good. In our day and age, salt is a kind of evil, leading to health problems. Back then, it made what little flavor food had come alive. It took the bland and made it enjoyable. This is what Christians should do. In a drab, selfish world, we should be the joy, the spice, that extra zip in our communities. We need to a little "kick" to the world around us, because of what Christ has done in our lives and promises to everyone. He also warns in verse 13 that if the salt becomes unsalty, what use is it? What use is a Christian who doesn't live in the joy of salvation. Why become what the world is (drab and bland) when we have Christ!
Verse 14 gives us another analogy, we are light to the world and a city on a hill. The light and the city casts its light far and wide, for everyone to see. In verse 15 we are given a further analogy. No one hides the lamp they light, but put it as high as possible for light to be spread everywhere. When we have Christ, it should not be a secret, something we keep to ourselves. Having Christ but not sharing it, defeats the purpose. Why keep joy and peace from others... share the good news, that Jesus has saved sinners by his death on the cross. When you live in Christ, others will notice, and God will be glorified by it. Here was someone who is a sinner, but has joy and hope becuase of what God has done. Our good deeds are not to glorify ourselves, give us brownie points, or ease our guilty conscious. (v16) Doing good is only to glorify God and worship him in hopes that others will be called by the Holy Spirit to faith.
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