Matthew 6:1-8 (The Sermon on the Mount, Part VIII)
Giving to the Needy and Prayer
The sermon continues, as well as the message. Our actions should reflect a heart that is dedicated to God, not one that is merely doing "things" to earn points. These passages are a few of my favorites... how it is the quiet and humble work that glorifies God. Not big obnoxious, self-promoting events. Go out, give graciously and kindly, and do the Lord's Will for no other reason than your love for Him and neighbor alike.
The verses 5-8 here also talk about prayer. Prayer is meant for you to talk to God. Luckily he knows what you will ask before you say it. (v. 8) I feel these verses speak against Televangelism. The gaudiness, self-aggrandizing, and endless prayers seem to fly directly in the face of these verses. Luckily the Lord can (and does) use anything towards his Glory. Go into your closet today, and pray to him to give you guidance in giving and praying.
God has always stated that his ways are foolishness to the world. The world says "do what gratifies the flesh." The world says that if it is worth doing, hold a press conference. The world would definitely see selfless acts of love as meaningless unless you got some kind of recognition.
God tells us that the recognition will come in the life to come and this is eternal. Those who are striving for the here and now will only ever experience temporary recognition.
God bless you!
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